
Emerging Futures Programme

About JRF

Building the team

Roles and application

"We need to have a very strong bias of responsibility to transcend status quo logics. How do we hold ourselves accountable to, first and foremost, higher order accountabilities such as future generations?" ~ Jayne Engle, Participatory Canada, and author of Sacred Civics

Our commitment to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion

At Joseph Rowntree Foundation, we want to receive applications for people from all sections of the community, and especially from people who have experience of the issues JRF exists to redress.

We welcome applications from all people regardless of age, disability, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, religion or belief, race, sex, sexual orientation, trans status or social economic background.

We recognise that diversity goes beyond those characteristics which are protected by law, and we strongly encourage applications from people with diverse life experiences too. This includes experience of living in poverty, homelessness, domestic violence and abuse, modern-day slavery, addiction and recovery, the criminal justice and care systems.

We also welcome applications from sole parents and applicants with other caring responsibilities.

To turn our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion into action: